Friday, December 09, 2005

On the “Culture of Corruption” Event Horizon (Ain't It Grand!)

Duke's Lair

What would we do without the Internet News Gatherers?

You may have noticed the disgraced “Duke” Cunningham, bawling and slobbering on TV as he admitted taking $2.4 million in bribes and then resigning his House seat. But did you know that the same investigation is looking into an even bigger disclosure of as many as 20 Repuglicans (Henry Bonilla, Roy Brown, Rick Clayburgh, Duke Cunningham (of course!), John T. Doolittle, Maria Guadalupe Garcia, George W. Gekas, Lindsay Graham, Duncan Hunter, Darrell Issa, Samuel Johnson, Thaddeus G. McCotter, Constance Morella, Devin Nune, Steve Pearce, Bill Van de Weghe Jr., Jerry Weller.) who received payments from fake companies set up to receive Department of Defense contracts. This is going to be even bigger, and the Main Stream Media (MSM) hasn’t seemed to notice yet. Not to worry…the bloggers have got it.
(This is a great blog with many breaking stories.)

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